Friday, January 21, 2011

5 days!

After clearing up some concerning confusion regarding my loans/scholarships, I can once again concentrate on the fact that I am leaving in 5 days. My itinerary arrived yesterday, along with my plane tickets (ALL of them, which means I have to be in charge of not losing yet another important item for 4 months), my passport with my beautiful Russian visa, my insurance card, some luggage tags,  an invoice, a letter from my foreign admissions officer, a note on baggage allowances, and a participant list. It felt like Christmas! The participant list includes everyone's college as well as departure city. Looks like I'm the only one flying out of SFO and the only BU student (though there are many BC kids), but it is really exciting to see that there are people from all over the country! And the itinerary is extremely exciting. Well, not the part where it says to check in 3 HOURS before my flight, but all the parts about getting to London, seeing Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, having free time to explore the city, and especially the part where we get to St. Petersburg! We have orientation, tours, meetings, and then class. It goes over the excursions to Moscow, Finland, and Estonia (all included in the program). No lie, I am super nervous, but WAY more excited, which I think is a good sign. 5 days left in sunny California! My suitcase is almost full, but I don't think I am even close to being packed. Hopefully my posts get more exciting and contain more pictures once I get there. Thanks to Alison for being my first follower!!! Hello to everyone in Boston, I hope you are all staying warm, and thanks to everyone in California for making this break so enjoyable!


  1. I'm following, but I'm not on blogger so it won't tell you that. Keeping an eye on you, though :) \--/_

  2. Haha good to know. Actually I think you can use your email account. But thanks for reading and commenting!! I miss you!
